About Us
디아비전 연혁
DiaVision's History
On-site Testing Solutions Addressing Diverse Environmental Needs
COVID, Influenza, RSV 등
HIV, HBV, HCV, Sypilis 등
Malaria, Dengue, Zika 등
Personalized Solutions That Recommend Health Management Methods Tailored Specifically to Your Biomarker Data
배란, 임신진단, 성조숙증 등호르몬 측정결과 기반솔루션 제공
Providing solutions based on hormone measurements for ovulation, pregnancy testing, and precocious puberty
혈중 스트레스 호르몬인 코르티솔 측정 후
습관 개선 및 스트레스 지수 낮추는
솔루션 제공
Offering solutions to improve lifestyle and reduce stress based on saliva cortisol measurements
혈중 비타민D농도에 따라
내게 딱 맞는 용량의
건강기능식품 추천
Providing the most suitable solutions based on individual blood vitamin D levels.
적은 채혈측정과
생활습관 모니터링으로
당뇨 예방 맞춤 솔루션 제공
Offering personalized solutions based on glycated hemoglobin measurements and life logging data analysis.
Technology patent evaluation results in a Triple-A rating,
with proprietary patents in artificial intelligence and biosensors.
We hold 10 registered core patents.
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